What are Do-s And Don’t for Armenia Visitors

Armenia is a country with a rich history and culture, and as a visitor, it’s important to be aware of the dos and don’ts to ensure you have an enjoyable and respectful experience. Here we will share with your are some very helpful tips: 7 do-s and 7 don’ts.

Since Armenia is a country with a rich cultural heritage, as a visitor, you may keep in mind to show respect and appreciation for the local culture, and DO THE FOLLOWING!

Tip #1:  Show respect for religion: Armenia is a predominantly Christian country, and religion plays an important role in daily life. When visiting churches or other religious sites, be respectful of local customs and traditions.

Tip #2: Do dress modestly: Armenian culture values modesty, and it is important to dress appropriately when visiting public places, including religious sites. Avoid wearing revealing clothing or shorts, and cover your shoulders and knees.

Tip #3: Do try the local cuisine: Armenian food is known for its rich flavors and unique ingredients. Be sure to try traditional dishes such as khorovats (barbecue), dolma (stuffed grape leaves), and lavash (flatbread).

Tip # 4: Do respect the elderly: In Armenian culture, the elderly are highly respected and revered. Show respect and deference to older people you meet, and listen attentively to their stories and advice.

Tip # 5: Do show hospitality: Hospitality is an important part of Armenian culture, and you will likely be offered food and drink when visiting someone’s home. Accept these offers graciously and show appreciation for the hospitality.

Tip #6: Do learn some Armenian: While many people in Armenia speak English, learning a few words of Armenian can go a long way in showing respect for the local culture and making connections with people.

Tip #7: Do visit historical and cultural sites: Armenia is home to many historic and cultural sites, including ancient monasteries, museums, and cultural centers. Be sure to visit these sites to learn more about the rich history and culture of the country.

As a visitor to Armenia, it is important to be aware of cultural norms and customs to avoid unintentionally offending locals or causing discomfort. Here are SOME COMMON DON’TS in Armenia:

Tip #1: Don’t disrespect religious sites: Armenia is home to many historic churches and monasteries, which are important cultural and religious sites. Avoid engaging in disrespectful behavior, such as taking selfies or making loud noises inside religious buildings.

Tip #2: Don’t litter: Like many countries, littering is considered disrespectful in Armenia. Be sure to dispose of your trash properly and help keep the country clean.

Tip #3: Don’t engage in public displays of affection: Armenian culture is conservative, and public displays of affection, such as kissing or hugging, are not commonly seen. Be respectful of cultural norms and avoid engaging in such behavior in public.

Tip #4: Don’t bargain aggressively: Bargaining is not a common practice in Armenia, and attempting to haggle too aggressively may be viewed as disrespectful. If you wish to negotiate a price, be polite and respectful.

Tip #5: Don’t disrespect Armenian history: The Armenian Genocide of 1915-1923 is a sensitive topic for many Armenians. Avoid making insensitive comments or engaging in behavior that may be perceived as disrespectful towards this part of Armenian history.

Tip #6: Don’t drink tap water: While Armenian tap water is safe to drink in some areas, it is generally recommended that visitors drink bottled water instead.

Tip #7: Don’t disrespect elders or authority figures: Armenian culture values respect for elders and authority figures. Be polite and respectful in interactions with older people, law enforcement officials, and other people in positions of authority.

As a bonus point!

Meet locals: Armenians are known for their hospitality, and meeting locals can greatly enhance your trip. Strike up a conversation with a shopkeeper or join a local tour to get an inside look at Armenian culture.

Remember to be respectful of local customs and traditions, and don’t be afraid to try new things. Enjoy your trip to Armenia!